
Are You A Woman For Society?

Hello…you're probably having a cup of tea while reading this. (If you're sipping coffee, please switch…we've discovered that tea is a better stimulator of creativity.) Well, most of us reach for a cup of tea first thing in the morning. And some of us keep seeking it out several times through the day, to feel refreshed and revived. Hence there was a fair amount of excitement flowing through the agency when we were recently asked to come up with a new creative strategy for Society Tea. The client requested us to take the brand to 'the next level' by doing something completely different.

It was time to brew a whole lot of Unreason.

Are you a woman for Society?

Society Tea is a well-established brand, but research showed that the time had now come to gain greater engagement among younger women and the young housewife. This is because of the increasing number of nuclear families these days, where the young housewife is the main decision maker for household groceries and needs to be refreshed and reminded about Society tea.

We realised that once trial is induced, once the brand comes into the house, the quality and taste of the brand will take over. And again going by the research, once trial is induced the household should stick to the brand.

Our Unreason led us to the Insight:
The young woman in India has fast progressed from being independent, to influencing change. The young woman who is a role model today is not just someone who is financially independent or standing up against a male-dominated society. She is someone who is influencing society as a whole, with her creativity and with her passion. Not just women, but men too look up to her. Admire her.

That is the big difference. That is the huge progression. These women are not just examples for women. They are role models for an entire generation and for society as a whole.

They are admired, because they inspire.

They are the Women for Society.

The Result:
Three ad films on the first three Women for Society: 1) Purva Naresh – playwright, director and teacher. 2) Simrit Malhi – passionate permaculture exponent. 3) Gayathri Govind – eminent dancer and engineer. Three films that link creativity, unreason and Society.

Aside from the films, the concept is coming alive through press ads, hoardings, bus shelters and a robust online initiative. Take a sip of the campaign and let us know if you are a fan for Society.

Purva Naresh Film
Gayathri Govind Film
Simrit Malhi Film